Ziggs Wild Rift Gameplay and Counter


Yasuo struggles a bit in the early game as a melee champion. Most of the time you want to stay back and wait for the enemy champion to push the minion wave under your tower. You can walk up to minions early on when you have your Way of the Wanderer (Passive) shield up and available so you don't take damage to your health. Once you hit Level 5, this is where you can potentially look for the all-in and try and kill the enemy mid-lane. If you can't find the opportunity in the mid lane, you can try to roam around the map and use your Ultimate in the side lanes.


When you reach the mid and late game and get a few items, this is where Yasuo can start to become useful since you have quite a lot of mobility and crowd control. When you are grouped with your team and about to have a team fight, the best thing you want to do is get to their backline where you can kill the enemy carries. Always keep an eye on your teammates, especially ones that have a knock-up as you can follow it up with your Ultimate. You can also use your Wind Wall (2nd Ability) to block damage and abilities to help you and your team.


Try to avoid being in the center of Ziggs' ultimate, as it deals more damage in the cente

Avoid stepping on Ziggs' mines! They will deal damage as well as slow you, making it easier for him to land more skills.

Avoid Staying near of minions, so he can't use is bomb on them and damage you at the same time.

If you're lucky to play an assasin agaisnt him (Zed, Kha'Zix, Yasuo, Fizz...) Stay pasive at the very early game. When you have your combo dont go mad on him, let your lane push a bit, kill his front lane minions so he approaches to you and attack him

Focus him in teamfights, because he is able to deal massive damage to multiple champions at once.

If you constantly move side to side rather that back and forth, it's much harder for Ziggs to land his Q.

All of Ziggs' abilities are skillshots, so any champion with mobility(LB,Gragas...) should work.

Read more: https://wildriftcounter.com/champions/ziggs/

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